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Top 5 Free SEO Keyword Search Tools


Top 5 Free SEO Keyword Search Tools

As a business owner, the most important and the challenging part is to rank your website on the top pages of the search results. Using strong SEO strategies and proper keyword research can help your website to rank higher in search results. Researching and targeting the right keywords is the most important aspect of SEO.

In this Blog, we are discussing5 best free SEO keywords research tools.

1. Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is one of the best and most important SEO keywords research tools. It provides a range of features that help you to identify the right keywords for your website. With Google Keyword Planner, you can identify the search volume of specific keywords and find related keywords that you may not have thought of. You can also analyse the competition for specific keywords and discover new keyword ideas based on trends and seasonality.

2. Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is a free SEO keyword research tool that provides you with keyword suggestions and search volume data. It also offers information on keyword difficulty, cost-per-click (CPC), and competition data. Ubersuggest is user-friendly and easy to use, making it a popular choice among marketers.

3. Keyword Tool

Keyword Tool is another popular free keyword research tool that offers a range of features to help you identify the right keywords for your website. It offers suggestions for long-tail keywords that are more specific and less competitive. Keyword Tool also provides search volume data, CPC, and competition data.

4. Soovle

Soovle is a unique and one of the best free keyword research tools that offers keyword suggestions from multiple search engines, including Google, Bing, Yahoo, and YouTube. It provides a list of related keywords that are popular across different search engines, making it a great tool for broadening your keyword research.

5. Answer The Public

Answer The Public is a unique keyword research tool that provides you with a list of questions and phrases that people are searching for on the internet. This tool is particularly useful for creating content that addresses specific user queries. Answer The Public offers a visual representation of your keyword research, making it easy to identify the most relevant keywords.

Searching for keywords is essential for any SEO strategy. By using the right keyword research tools, you can identify the right keywords to target, analyse the competition, and optimise your content for better rankings. The above-mentioned free SEO keyword search tools can help you get started with your keyword research without Investing in SEO.
